L.O.L. Surprise!™ w Galerii Bemowo – bezpłatna interaktywna wystawa dla dzieci! - Bemowo

Open hours

Shop center
Monday: 10:00 – 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 21:00
Friday: 10:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 21:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 20:00
Biblioteka miejska

Mon-Wednesday, Fri: 10:00 – 19:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sun­day: 11:00 – 14:00


Mo­n-Fri: 06:30 – 22:00
Sa­tur­day: 08:00 – 22:00
Sun­day: 09:00 – 21:00


Mo­n-Fri: 9:30 – 21:00
Sa­tur­day: 9:30 – 21:00
Sun­day: 10:00 – 20:00

Ziko Dermo

Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 21:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 20:00

Meble Komandor

Mo­n-Fri: 09:00 – 19:00
Sa­tur­day: 09:00 – 19:00
Sun­day: 10:00 – 18:00

PKO Bank Polski

Mo­n-Fri: 09:00 – 19:00
Sa­tur­day: closed
Sun­day: closed

Ziko Apteka

Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 21:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 20:00


Mo­n-fri: 9:00 – 21:00
Sa­tur­day: 9:00 – 21:00
Sun­day: 9:00 – 20:00
Non-trade sunday: 9:00 – 17:00


Be­­mo­­wo Sho­p­ping Ce­n­ter

Pow­stań­ców Ślą­skich 126 st.
01-466 War­sza­wa
tel.: 22 569 72 90
e-ma­­il: be­mo­wo­@c­bre.com

Car­re­fo­ur Cu­sto­mer Se­rvi­ce Of­fi­ce:
tel.: 22 569 76 00

Co­n­tact for me­­dia:
Mo­­ni­­ka Pa­­duch
tel: 505 995 592
e-ma­­il: mo­­ni­­ka­­pa­­du­­ch@o­r­chi­­de­­apr.pl

  • en


Two­je dziec­ko ko­cha la­lecz­ki L.O.L. Sur­pri­se!™? Te­raz mo­że wejść do ich świa­ta! Od 10 do 15 mar­ca w Ga­le­rii Be­mo­wo cze­ka wy­jąt­ko­wa, in­te­rak­tyw­na wy­sta­wa, peł­na nie­spo­dzia­nek, za­ba­wy i ma­gicz­nych atrak­cji!

Na naj­młod­szych cze­ka moc atrak­cji:

  • BOX XXL – dzie­ci wsko­czą do wiel­kie­go pu­deł­ka i po­czu­ją się jak praw­dzi­wa la­lecz­ka!
  • Huś­taw­ka­-ku­la – ulu­bio­na za­ba­wa każ­de­go ma­lu­cha!
  • Ma­gicz­na ścia­na la­le­czek – po­znaj 150 kul­to­wych fi­gu­rek!
  • Fo­to­bud­ka – pa­miąt­ko­we zdję­cia w świe­cie L.O.L. Sur­pri­se!™
  • Stre­fa mul­ti­me­dial­na – ko­lo­ro­wa­nie po­sta­ci w in­te­rak­tyw­ny spo­sób!
  • Ma­gne­to­fon XXL – wy­jąt­ko­wa in­sta­la­cja peł­na za­ba­wek L.O.L.!

📍 Gdzie? Ga­le­ria Be­mo­wo, I pię­tro, przy stre­fie ga­stro­no­micz­nej
📅 Kie­dy? 10-15 mar­ca
🎟 Wstęp? Cał­ko­wi­cie dar­mo­wy!

Nie prze­gap tej wy­jąt­ko­wej oka­zji! Przyjdź z cór­ką, sio­strze­ni­cą czy ma­łą fan­ką L.O.L. i zo­bacz­cie ich ra­dość na ży­wo! Do­łącz­cie do wy­da­rze­nia i baw­cie się ra­zem z na­mi!

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We will inform you about the latest events and promotions.

The ad­­­mi­­­ni­­­stra­­­tor of per­­­so­­­nal da­­­ta is Fla­­­mi­­n­go 4 sp. z o.o. with its re­­­gi­­­ste­­­red of­fi­­­ce in Wa­­r­saw (po­­­st­co­­­de 00-549), Pię­­k­nej 18(he­­­re­­­i­­na­­­fter re­­­fe­­r­red to as the Co­­m­pa­­­ny). Pe­­r­so­­­nal da­­­ta in the ra­­n­ge pro­­­vi­­­ded in the co­­r­re­­­spo­­n­de­­n­ce will be pro­­­ce­­s­sed by the Co­­m­pa­­­ny to pro­­­vi­­­de a re­­­spo­­n­se, in ac­co­­r­da­­n­ce with the expre­­s­sed co­­n­sent pu­­r­su­­­ant to art. 6 par. 1 lit. a Re­­­gu­­­la­­­tion of the Eu­­­ro­­­pe­­­an Pa­­r­lia­­­ment and of the Co­­­u­­n­cil (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the pro­­­te­­c­tion of in­­­di­­­vi­­­du­­­als with re­­­gard to the pro­­­ce­­s­sing of per­­­so­­­nal da­­­ta and on the free mo­­­ve­­­ment of such da­­­ta and the re­­­pe­­­al of Di­­­re­­c­ti­­­ve 95/46 / EC (RODO). Pe­­r­so­­­nal da­­­ta may be di­­­sc­lo­­­sed to em­ploy­­­e­­es or as­so­­­cia­­­tes of the Co­­m­pa­­­ny, as well as en­ti­­­ties pro­­­vi­­­ding su­­p­port to the Co­­m­pa­­­ny on the ba­­­sis of out­so­­­u­­r­ced se­­­rvi­­­ces and in ac­co­­r­da­­n­ce with the en­tru­­­sted co­­n­tracts, as well as di­­­sc­lo­­­sed to the en­ti­­­ties re­­­fe­­r­red to in the co­­n­sent clau­­­se. Pe­­r­so­­­nal da­­­ta pro­­­ce­­s­sed in the abo­­­ve the pu­­r­po­­­se will be kept until the co­­n­sent is wi­­­th­drawn or the pe­­­riod of li­­­mi­­­ta­­­tion of cla­­­ims un­der the co­­n­tract co­n­c­lu­­­ded. Each per­­­son has the ri­­­ght to ac­cess the­­­ir da­­­ta and re­­c­ti­­­fi­­­ca­­­tion, de­­­le­­­tion, pro­­­ce­­s­sing re­­­stri­­c­tions, the ri­­­ght to trans­­­fer da­­­ta or ob­ject to the­­­ir pro­­­ce­­s­sing, the ri­­­ght to wi­­­th­draw co­­n­sent (eg in the sa­­­me way as it was expre­­s­sed) at any ti­­­me wi­­­tho­­­ut af­fe­­c­ting the la­­w­fu­­l­ness of da­­­ta pro­­­ce­­s­sing prior to its re­­­vo­­­ca­­­tion. The da­­­ta sub­­­ject has the ri­­­ght to lo­­d­ge a co­­m­pla­­­int with the Pre­­­si­­­dent of the Of­fi­­­ce for Pe­­r­so­­­nal Da­­­ta Pro­­­te­­c­tion when he / she co­­n­si­­­ders that the pro­­­ce­­s­sing of his / her per­­­so­­­nal da­­­ta vio­­­la­­­tes the pro­­­vi­­­sions of the GDPR. Pro­­­vi­­­ding per­­­so­­­nal in­­­fo­­r­ma­­­tion is vo­­­lu­­n­ta­­­ry.

By pro­­vi­­ding an e-ma­­il ad­­dress, I agree to the pro­­ce­s­sing of per­­so­­nal da­­ta pro­­vi­­ded by me thro­­ugh Fla­­mi­n­go 4 spół­­ka z ogra­­ni­­czo­­ną od­po­­wie­­dzia­l­no­­­ścią Ba­­i­n­bri­d­ge Po­­land Wa­r­sza­­wa II sp.k. for ma­r­ke­­ting pu­r­po­­ses, ca­r­ried out by se­n­ding co­m­me­r­cial in­­fo­r­ma­­tion re­­ga­r­ding the ac­ti­­vi­­ties of the Be­­mo­­wo sho­p­ping ce­n­ter via ema­­il to the e-ma­­il ad­­dress pro­­vi­­ded.
By pro­­vi­­ding my pho­­ne nu­m­ber, I agree to the pro­­ce­s­sing of my per­­so­­nal da­­ta pro­­vi­­ded by Fla­­mi­n­go 4 spół­­ka z ogra­­ni­­czo­­ną od­po­­wie­­dzia­l­no­­­ścią Ba­­i­n­bri­d­ge Po­­land Wa­r­sza­­wa II sp.k. for ma­r­ke­­ting pu­r­po­­ses, ca­r­ried out by se­n­ding co­m­me­r­cial in­­fo­r­ma­­tion on the ope­­ra­­tion of the Be­­mo­­wo sho­p­ping ce­n­ter in the form of an SMS to the fi­­nal te­­le­­co­m­mu­­ni­­ca­­tions de­­vi­­ce - a mo­­bi­­le pho­­ne, the nu­m­ber of which is gi­­ven abo­­ve.

You want to unsu­b­scri­­be from the ne­w­sle­t­ter?